Sunday, December 11, 2005


I was looking at the calendar today and I realized that Christmas is two weeks away. I haven't done any Christmas shopping, bought any decorations, or eaten any Christmas related food. I think I am slipping, Christmas is my favorite time of year. I can't believe that it is coming up so soon. That is my personal rant for today.

And now for the news.

I had a show for Sammy Kershaw this past Friday. It was one of those shows that should have happened really easily but didn't because of an non cooperative client. The power was not connected until 11:30 in the morning, the dirt riding arena was all tilled up when we arrived. It took them an hour to pack it down. The lock on the truck froze and cracked so we had to find some bolt cutters to get the truck open. The client was to provide 12 stage hands, we got 10 cowboys instead. We got it done and the show itself went great but it sure could have gone easier with the load in and out.

I was getting ready to leave the venue and was doing my pre-trip inspection of the truck and discovered that the airlines that connect the tractor to the trailer had cracked off of their connectors so I had to sit around for an hour and a half waiting for Ryder to show up and fix their truck. I hate it when I have a rental truck and something breaks on it. I would expect a rental truck to be in perfect working order, not ready to break at any given moment.

I am going to go buy a tuxedo this week. Our company Christmas party is black tie and I figured that if I am going to rent a tux I might as well put that money towards buying one as there are some shows that we do that require tuxes. I think it will be kind of fun. I am going to start looking for one today. I have some time this afternoon.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Eric Roa has a blogspot? Stop the world, I want to get off. Jennifer R has one, too. She's pretty weird, but her bloggings aren't that weird. You should check them out.