Thursday, September 07, 2006

What is it about.....

Life is just flying by. I hate that. There is something to be said for taking a deep breath and enjoying life in the moment. I feel like I am going so fast right now that I can't even see what's going on. I am working like mad dealing with this situation and putting out that fire, and preventing this mess, and taking care of that client. I get a vacation in 6 1/2 months. I am going on my honeymoon and I can't wait. The trouble is that I have no idea where we are going to go. If anyone has any ideas please share.

We need to hire more people, and we need to get those people trained, all the while doing shows to the level of excellence that we all remember they should be. I don't know what went wrong but something did and I am done with chasing my tail. I have decided that every show that I do will be perfect. Period. I don't care what it takes because in the long run there will be a whole lot less stress if the show is done right.

I have to go load out a show so I will post more later.


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