Sunday, August 13, 2006

Goin' to the Chapel

Some of you already know this but I figured I should just blurt it out.

Britni and I are engaged. We are planning our wedding for April 1, 2007.

I can't wait. I am staying in Denver and she will be moving to Denver after the wedding. The wedding will be in Des Moines, IA which is where Britni is from.

It took seven years for us to finally realize that we should spend the rest of our lives together. I couldn't be any more lucky than to have my best friend say yes to marrying me. We hope to get some engagement photos within a month but it is kind of tough living 647 miles apart when you need to get things done together. Oh well. I guess it will make us communicate even better.


Brett said...

April Fools' Day! Congratulations!!!

Sheila said...

Congratulations Eric and Britni!!!