Tuesday, February 14, 2006

It's been a while

I think this is the longest I have gone so far without posting. Two weeks goes by so fast. Things are going pretty well. Work is getting busier and busier. We have five decent sized shows this week. I will be up in Greeley, CO on Saturday. Next weekend I get to go to Vail for a show and stay in a really nice condo from Thursday till Sunday. The only part that stinks is that I will have to drive a semi over the passes to get there and it is supposed to snow all weekend.

I haven't been skiing in a while. I am going to try to go next week sometime. I will definitely go while I am in Vail. I get to ski for free while I am there. That rocks!

My to do list keeps growing and it seems like there is less time to do stuff every day. I can't wait till the list starts to shrink. We are hiring some more people which will help out with the whole to do list shrinking.

I have become the resident backline tech for Richter Scale. It's kind of fun. I am learning a lot about all kinds of instruments. We have everything someone could want for just about any type of band.

The car will be half paid off as of the first of March. That will be a great feeling. I can't wait till the end of May when it will be completely paid for.

Here is a picture from the show I did this past weekend. It was at Invesco Field (Mile High Stadium).


1 comment:

Dr. A said...

Man you work like a dog. REST. Don't forget it's good to rest (like I have any room to talk but you know what I mean)!